

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a jaw condition that causes painful symptoms, discomfort, and problems with bite alignment. This often results in headaches, aching jaws, and facial pain. Specializing in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) treatment, Dr. Gary B. Dempsey has decades of experience diagnosing and helping patients in Oklahoma City, OK, find relief from the related symptoms. If you have any questions or concerns, give our office a call today to schedule a consultation!

woman with jaw pain

What is TMD?

The temporomandibular joint is responsible for the movement of the jaw. TMJ facilitates chewing, eating, and speaking. When the jaw joints do not fit together correctly, the jaw and facial muscles can become overexerted, resulting in many health problems. Living with TMD can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Symptoms may be temporary or can last for extended periods. Multiple factors can lead to TMD development, though the exact cause may be difficult to determine.

What causes TMD?

There are multiple factors that can lead to the development of TMD, though the exact cause may be difficult to determine.

  A few known risk factors include:

  • Bruxism: Grinding teeth or clenching the jaws can put excessive stress on the TMJs.

  • Misaligned Bite: When the upper and lower jaws do not fit together correctly, the surrounding oral and maxillofacial structures can suffer excessive stress.

  • Cartilage Erosion: The cartilage in the TMJ allows for smooth, everyday functioning. If the cartilage wears thin, it can cause significant problems.

  • Joint Dislocation: If you notice frequent popping and clicking when opening or closing your mouth, you may be experiencing dislocation, which can strain the surrounding structures and limit the movement of the jaw.

  • Arthritis: Inflammation caused by arthritis may spread to the surrounding structures, such as muscles and ligaments.

  • Hormones: Statistically, TMD affects more women than men. Some researchers suggest that female hormones may be a factor.

  • Injury: Blunt force trauma may contribute to the development of TMD.

  • Genetics: As with many health conditions, some patients may simply be predisposed to specific TMD problems.

  What are the Symptoms?

The TMJ holds the lower jaw in its correct position. If there is an issue with the alignment or function of the jaw joints, the surrounding muscles can become strained to correct the problem. If this continues to go untreated, the muscles can become fatigued and inflamed.

Common symptoms of TMD include:

  • Jaw pain

  • Popping or clicking of the jaw

  • Facial pain or swelling

  • Earaches

  • Headaches

  • Neck and shoulder pain

  • Back pain

  • Toothaches

Dr. Dempsey will assess your TMJs and create a custom treatment plan to address your individual needs.


Diagnosis and TMD Treatment

Not only can TMD have a significant negative impact on the quality of life, but it can also lead to more severe health concerns. Early diagnosis is critical in preventing further problems. Dr. Dempsey is a member of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain and one of the few dentists in Oklahoma who is trained in this specialized field. He has been assisting patients with TMD since he completed his residency in 1987.

Most patients suffering from TMD will begin with wearing a customized oral appliance to help position the jaws, joints, and facial muscles in proper alignment. However, because no two patients are the same, treatments can vary depending on your specific situation. Dr. Dempsey will assess your TMJs and create a custom treatment plan to address your individual needs.

Call TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of OKC at (405) 947-0044 for World-Class TMD Care and Sleep Medicine.


man suffering with jaw pain

What does TMJ mean?

The temporomandibular joint is known as the TMJ. This is the joint where your jaw intersects with your skull. If this joint is not functioning smoothly, several severe conditions can develop. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research estimates that as many as 10 million Americans suffer from TMJ problems.

What causes TMJ Disorders?

The TMJ dysfunction can be caused in several ways, including trauma, a misaligned bite, physical stress, or even emotional stress. Eventually, the accumulated pain produces a variety of symptoms.

  What might indicate TMJ problems?

The following symptoms may indicate a TMJ problem:

  • Headaches of any kind, and mostly chronically occurring migraines

  • Chronically occurring earaches

  • Bruxism (more commonly known as teeth grinding)

  • The inability to open or close your mouth completely

  • A popping or clicking noise each time you open your jaw

  • A tingling in your fingers

  • Pain in the face, neck, shoulder, lower back or jaw that is unexplained

At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of OKC, Dr. Dempsey and his staff can perform a thorough examination of your jaw to locate your TMJ issues.

Most patients find relief with simple oral appliances. These thin, comfortable mouthguards will reposition your jaw and ease your TMJ's stress to ensure your joint's alignment is correct. Realigning your jaw can quickly reduce headaches and other symptoms that come from TMJ issues.

There are additional treatments for a variety of scenarios. These treatments can include lifestyle adjustments, stress management advice or even building up your back teeth' surface to correct your misaligned bite.

Call TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of OKC for World-Class TMD Care and Sleep Medicine.