What Does It Mean If Only A Side Of Your Jaw Hurts?

All of us have surely experienced jaw pain at some point of our life. It is such an irritating sensation that causes you extreme discomfort. Mostly these paining sensations do not last long. But if you ignore these problems and do not take any proper jaw pain treatment, this can become bigger problem in the near future. Hence you need to understand the importance of jaw pain treatment. This will provide you with enough insights to identify the problems in time and cure them.

The Relation Of Jaw Soreness And TMJ

TMJ, or the Temporomandibular Joint, is the joint that keeps the skull connected to the jaw on both sides. The bones and muscles inside this joint can cause severe discomfort and pain in your jaw. In addition to it, a dysfunctioning jaw can also cause you to experience problems like earaches, toothaches, facial pain, and headaches.

Other Reasons For Jaw Soreness

Jaw pain on one side of the mouth can also be caused by several situations other than TMJ disorder. Here are a few of them.

  1. If you are experiencing sinusitis because of the inflation of your nasal cavities, it could also cause jaw pain. The nasal cavities located right behind the cheeks can cause a lot of pain in one or both of your jaws because of the swelling.

  2. Even poor oral health can also cause you to experience serious pain in your jaw. Crooked teeth, the growth of wisdom teeth, tooth decay, gum disease, and many other problems can put your jaw under immense pressure. Because of this pressure, you might end up experiencing extreme jaw pain.

When To Go To Jaw Pain Treatment?

Now that you know what can cause jaw pain, you also need to know when to go to the doctor. These are the situations that should lead you to a doctor.

  • Your jaw pain does not go away for a few consecutive days.

  • You are experiencing fever along with the pain that does not leave.

  • You are experiencing extreme difficulty eating, drinking, and swallowing your food.

  • If your pain suddenly disappears after being exposed to salty liquids.

A Few Tips To Control Jaw Pain

If you have been experiencing extreme jaw pain on one side, you will need these tips to relax your mouth.

  1. The first and most obvious step you must take after experiencing the pain is to consume painkillers or other similar medications.

  2. Try applying a hot and cold compress. It would keep the pain in check.

  3. Adjust your diet and fill it with foods that require minimal chewing. This would give you a chance to rest your jaw properly.

Find Jaw Treatments In OKC

Ignoring and delaying your jaw treatment can lead to severe problems in the future, which is why we recommend you get the best jaw pain treatment in OKC at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre in Oklahoma City. Here you would get treatments from some of the leading professionals in the industry. Call us now and book your appointment. We are positive that visiting our clinic would benefit you severely.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.