The New Dawn of Dentistry: Usage Of Botox In The Clinics

As the teeth are directly in contact with the nerves, they are a very sensitive part of our body. Naturally, it is very difficult for dentists to treat them. Even one small mistake can damage the nerves and cause everlasting severe tooth pain.

That is why jaw pain dentists use various types of paralytic drugs to control the pain. Among these drugs, Botox is getting popular, which is a drug made from Botulinum, a deadly poison. It is a controlled dosage of venom that immobilizes the nerves momentarily. Dentists use this window to solve all tooth pain-related problems. This gives the patient a comparatively painless treatment and lets the doctor do his work without distractions.

Botox: A Lifesaver Made from A Poison

The poison, Botulinum, is produced by a rod-shaped bacteria by the name of clostridium, Botulinum. It is a very deadly poison that can cause severe food poisoning. But by controlling the dosage of the poison, Botox is made to use as anesthesia and reduce pain during operations.

If Botox is injected into a person’s body, the muscles that come in contact with it get immobilized. Not just that, it also blocks off the nerves, which results in a hassle-free and painless invasive surgery process. That is why the best dentists from all over the world are adapting to botox and using them more for their dental treatments.

How Jaw Pain Dentists Use Botox?

These are some of the most common surgeries and operations where dentists use Botox as an immobilizer.

● If your mandibular joint (the joint between the skull and the lower jaw) is aching severely, the dentist can provide you with Botox to ease the pain. After that, once the area is immobilized, the dentist takes a look at the area to find out and solve the problem.

● Many of us have a bad habit of grinding or clenching our teeth. If you also have such habits, it could cause severe damage to your teeth and nerves. In that case, the toothache will be almost unbearable for you and the doctor will not be able to treat you. So, the doctor needs to paralyze your nerves and gums first before going for the operation.

● A gummy smile is a condition where you expose your gums while you smile. This is not a very pleasing thing for most people. That is why you should reach out to dentists to cure this condition at the earliest. The dentist would help you solve this problem by inserting Botox in the area between your lip and nose. This will prevent the muscles in this area from being hyperactive as usual. So you would be able to have a smile that is loved and adored by everyone.

The Best Place In OKC To Get These Treatments

Botox is a comparatively new method of immobilizing. That is why several dental clinics in OKC are starting to use this paralytic drug during invasive and non-invasive dental surgeries. But among them, the best place that is using the method with the maximum efficiency -is TMJ & Sleep Therapy Clinic. We have some of the best jaw pain dentists in OKC who are spending their day and night mastering this process to treat you and your tooth problems better in the future.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.