Sedation Dentistry: A Walk Through Your Comfort Zone

Dental phobia is common, so you're not alone. There are studies looking into why so many people are afraid of the dentist. Three distinct sources contribute to dental anxiety and phobia: one is personal experience, the other is other people's or the media's, and the third is personality traits and genetics. If you're here, you're probably looking for ways to cope with dental phobia. This is the place for you if that is the case.

Sedation dentists do everything they can to ensure that you have a pleasant and relaxing experience at their practice, and this article will teach you how to deal with it.

Dentistry Under Sedation

Using sedation dentistry allows people to receive the dental care they need without fear or anxiety. Additional benefits include helping those who have an extremely strong gag reflex. You'll have a more pleasant experience at the dentist if you're calm and collected. Everyone's situation is unique, and we have a solution that works for everyone. Sedation dentistry is completely safe, and the cost is determined by the type you select for your jaw pain treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

As a form of conscious sedation dentistry, nitrous oxide involves a mask being placed over your nose and mouth, allowing you to breathe in the gas. Laughing gas, as it's commonly referred to, is an odorless gas that enters your lungs and lowers your heart rate and blood pressure. Conscious sedation from inhalation will

  • For an anti-anxiety effect, inhibit the activity of certain neurotransmitters.

  • Inhibit the body's ability to transmit pain signals.

  • Dopamine release is increased, resulting in a happy mood.

Because of your age and general health, you're likely to benefit from conscious sedation dentistry, which commonly uses nitrous oxide (or something similar). In order to use nitrous oxide, your dentist will conduct a brief health assessment. After the mask is removed, you'll feel like yourself again in a matter of minutes. You don't need anyone to drive you to your dental appointment because this treatment is so quick to take effect and wear off, and you can leave as soon as it's over without any worries. In the case of mild to moderate dental anxiety or a slight gag reflex, nitrous oxide is the best option.

Oral Sedation Dentistry

Oral sedation is another form of this dentistry which is also quite effective. When you arrive at the dental office, you will be given a second dose of oral sedation, which you take the night before. A friend or family member will be responsible for driving you to and from your sedation dentistry appointment because of its nature. Relax for the rest of the day as well, as the medication will have worn off by the time you get home. The effects of oral sedation are more potent and last longer than those of nitrous oxide because of its ability to calm severe anxiety.

Who Is the Best Sedation Dentist Near You?

TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Oklahoma City has expert dentist to provide you with flawless jaw pain treatment. Come to us and place your requirements. We will make sure that you get rid of the chronic pain.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.